with us
Garfield Community Farm could not operate without the generous support of an abundant volunteer base. We operate with a small staff and rely on volunteers to assist with everything from planting seeds to picking up trash to maintaining the fences.
A great place for beginners and newcomers to start. No previous skills required and staff is always present to guide beginners and experts alike.
Open Volunteer Hours
Every Thursday evening from 5:30 pm to 8 pm, we hold open volunteer hours. Anyone is welcome to show up! While we have tools and gloves at our site, it is helpful for volunteers to bring their own water and snacks. (Thursday Open Volunteer Hours begin the first Thursday after Day Light Savings in the Spring and end with the last Thursday before Day Light Savings in the Fall.)
Group Volunteering Event
We love hosting volunteer groups! Please fill out a volunteer form (link below) and we’ll get in touch to schedule a volunteer experience for your group.
More ways to get involved
Weekly chores
At a minimum, our farm needs 30 to 60 minutes of attention each morning that includes watering our two indoor spaces and feeding/caring for our poultry and rabbits. Our chore volunteers commit to this responsibility for a given day of the week on a weekly basis.
Work shares
Now accepting applications for Summer 2025!
Participants in our WorkShare Program exchange labor for a CSA share during our market season. Participants can commit to working 2 hours per week in exchange for a half CSA share or 4 hours per week in exchange for a full CSA hare. Space is limited.
To apply for our WorkShare Program please click here for the application and return via email to Bre.
Volunteer Stakeholders are invited to “adopt” a specific section or task of the farm, such as composting or knotweed management. With the guidance of staff, Stakeholders familiarize themselves enough with the section/task, so that they can come up on their own time to volunteer as well as instruct other volunteers in assisting them.
Want to learn more?
All volunteering questions should be directed to
All WorkShare Program questions should be directed to